Monroe Tractor

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Part Details Parts

Part Details Parts


Part Number: K8809950
Description: WASHER, FLAT
Search Description: WASHER, FL

Price: $5.31

* Current price may vary based on inventory and availability.

Attention Valued Customers

To our valued customers, Last week, Monroe Tractor’s business system provider was hit with a cyber-attack, forcing them to shut down their system temporarily. This shut down has prevented us and thousands of other dealerships from accessing our business system. As we continue supporting our customers with parts, service, sales, and rentals, there will be […]

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Tauyna Trexler Promoted to Service Manager

Monroe Tractor promotes Tauyna Trexler as Albany’s Service Manager. At Monroe Tractor, our promise to our customers is “we are here to keep you doing your job.” We strive to bring the best products and the best in customer service, which is why we are excited to announce the promotion of Tauyna Trexler from Service Writer to Service Manager. […]

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Veterans Awarded Geared to Give Machine

Monroe Tractor is proud to announce that Range Ranch, a veteran-owned and operated farm, has been awarded a Kubota BV4160 baler through its Geared to Give Program. The Geared to Give Program aims to provide veteran farmers with the necessary equipment to ensure the success and sustainability of their agricultural operations. Monroe Tractor is honored […]

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