Sam Heidrich: Eagle & Wrench Winner
ALBANY, NY – Samantha “Sam” Heidrich is a CASE Technician at Monroe Tractor in Albany, NY, and was the recipient of the Episode 7 Eagle & Wrench Giveaway. When asked about how she became interested in becoming a technician, she said, “Growing up around my Uncle Dan, he had big trucks, cool cars, 4-wheelers, and motorcycles. I was his shadow and would go everywhere with him. He was always patient with me and would teach me anything he could. I went for my first 4-wheeler ride and that was it. I was hooked on anything that was fast or loud.”
She continued, “Once I realized that you could get paid to play with and fix all these things, I wanted to learn more. I took small engines class and the next year my teacher, Mr. Lombardi, let me hang out in the auto class where we got to work on whatever anyone brought in.”
Things started to progress, but there was one moment that turned Sam’s career toward construction equipment when she “…got to go on the construction field trip that year and got to drive a skid steer and that is where my love for equipment started.”
From that point, she went to college for auto mechanics and worked in a truck shop as part of the program. “I also worked at motorsports dealer and then at construction rental house before working on just dirt equipment…I was looking for a place I could focus more on dirt equipment. I applied at Monroe and met the team in the shop. We just clicked, and I found my people.”
Sam says she likes working at Monroe Tractor and that “The amazing group of people we have is what keeps me at my dealership. We’re like a big family here, especially in the shop. We all work so well together. If I have questions or need help, they are always willing to help.”
She says her favorite part about being a technician is that “Every day is something new, a new challenge, you’re not working the same thing every day. It could be same kind of equipment but usually a different problem. When something comes in broken and you are able to fix it and get the customer back running again, it is so satisfying.”
When asked about what advice she has for other technicians, Sam had these words of wisdom: “When I started in this industry my mentors told me to use your brains not your brawn. That was probably because I was little compared to the rest of the guys and didn’t have much muscle yet. Keeping that in the back of my mind I try to think outside the box. This job is not very forgiving on your body so try to look at things a little differently to save yourself to be able to move around a little longer in the future.”
Original source: CASE Construction Dealer Portal News

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